Author’s Guideline

A. Guidelines for Chapter Abstracts

Please write an abstract for the chapter written in the book. Each chapter abstract should also include the author name(s). The abstract should be 500-1000 words in length and provide a clear and concise overview of the content of the chapter. Ensure that the abstract is self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or incomplete references. It needs to make sense on its own. It is best to write the abstract in the third person rather than in the first person – e.g. “this chapter discusses” rather than “I discuss”. Our recommended word limit for your abstract is approximately 500– 1000 words. In this short paragraph, you should create a selling pitch, focusing on what your chapter is about, what methods have been used, and what you found out.

B. Guidelines for Chapter

  1. Manuscripts should be at least 4,000 words and not more than 8,000 words including references and appendix.
  2. Authors are required to send manuscript in word.docx
  3. Manuscript submitted must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in electronic or printed form.
  4. Sections and sub-sections should follow the following guidelines:
    FIRST LEVEL SUB-HEADING (All Capital Letter, Times New Roman, Font 12)
    No spacing between paragraphs. Next paragraphs indent. Use numbers in
    headings and sub-headings.
    Second Level Subheading (First word capitalized, Times New Roman, Font 12)
    No spacing between paragraphs. Next paragraphs indent (No spacing).
    Third Level Subheading (First word capitalized, Italic, Times New Roman, Font 12)
    No spacing between paragraphs. Next paragraphs indent (No spacing).
  5. Figures and Tables format
    Figure and table captions should be 11-point Times New Roman boldface. Capitalize only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example: “Figure 1. Database contexts”, “Table 1. Input data”.
    Figure captions are to be below the figures. Table titles are to be centered above the tables.
  6. Authors are required to conform to the APA 6 style for in text citation and referencing
  7. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain all necessary written permission to use any third party material, such as copyright works and trade marks
    (Authors will be sent permission verification form after acceptance of abstract)